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Case study: Stacey

Here at The Camrose Centre we support clients over time as their situation changes. The situation may ebb and flow between stability and uncertainly and the client may require support throughout this time. Even if a client becomes housed it doesn’t mean the support they need ends or that they can’t become homeless again.

Stacey’s Story

Stacey started attending The Camrose Centre in August of 2022. Upon arrival she was clearly distressed and physically she wasn’t looking after herself. Through a new starter’s assessment Stacey was able to tell us her story.

Stacey was living in a house with her husband that they owned. Stacey reported there was domestic violence on the part of her husband towards her. Their son had moved out after falling out with his father and her daughter wasn’t attending school. Stacey had given up her job due to mental ill health in the form of depression and anxiety. Her husband wasn’t working either and made her unwelcome in her own home, controlling what she could and couldn’t do. There was significant debt within the family and Stacey was struggling to manage the situation with limited support and resources. She also wanted to leave her husband. Stacey’s stress was showing outwardly in the form of hair loss and general confusion.

As with all clients, Stacey settled into Camrose and staff/volunteers built a trusting relationship with her. Stacey quickly formed bonds with the staff and regularly asked for support and affirmation regarding her decisions. She was referred to Stop Domestic Abuse and received some support from them. She took advantage of the services here at Camrose including the hairdresser and Artwell; received support with correspondence/debt and budgeting and anything else we could do.

The biggest support for Stacey was the act of simply talking. Stacey describes herself as a “people person” (she definitely is!) and talking through the thoughts in her head really helped her to make decisions and unpick her thoughts. Stacey doesn’t always take on board what support workers say but that’s not the purpose of Camrose. What is important is that she has had the chance to talk about her ideas and dreams, without judgement or expectation. Whatever the outcome of the decision Stacey has made Camrose will always be there to support her.

Since being at Camrose Stacey’s marital home has been sold and she has split from her husband. She lived in a guest house before moving out of Hampshire and into a flat which she bought. Stacey felt this didn’t work for her so she then sold the flat and moved to live with another client. Stacey is now sofa surfing with a family member for a period of time. Stacey has lost money, been taken advantage of and at times has had nowhere to stay.

This turbulence means she continues to be vulnerable but also shows a tremendous amount of resilience. Stacey still talks about the future and she’s always positive despite what obstacles come in her way. Another amazing thing about Stacey is that she is always thinking about other Camrose clients and how she can help them, not something everyone would be able to do when their own life is unsettled. Stacey is so grateful for the support she has received here at Camrose. She talks about us being her “lifeline” and someday she wants to help in her own way.

I don’t know what Stacey’s exact plans are now. I have encouraged her to sit and do some planning so we can make any transitions to new places to lives both smoother and affordable for the long term. However, whatever Stacey chooses, there will always be a cuppa and chat waiting for her at Camrose.