Leo arrived at Camrose after finding himself homeless following a breakdown with his private landlord which coincided with his job ending. He had been in the area for 6 months after relocating from London and was sleeping in the shed of the home where he had rented a room. He felt a bit lost and not sure where to go.
Leo googled homeless services and The Camrose Centre came up on the list. Leo was very proactive in searching for jobs and a space was made here for him to have interviews online. He began attending a local church and was taken under the wing of a couple with a spare room for a week.
He engaged with outreach services through us, who helped him find a room in a location near a job which he has accepted.
Although we felt we only played a small role in his recovery Leo is hugely grateful for the support he got from Camrose and says he “would have been lost without this place”. He had hot meals, used the shower and chatted over issues with our support workers.
Leo left us last week to begin his new job and we wish him all the best for future!