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Support Us

Our Friday sessions are currently funded by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, but the other two days cost over £30,000 a year to run and future local authority grants are not assured.

Our principal outlay is on salaries, rent, IT and telephone services. Our income comes through gifts, donations and grants from individuals, churches, charities and businesses, and every year we work tirelessly to attract sufficient income. We also get some support from Crowd Funding through the Social Inclusion Partnership’s Real Change campaign.

But, we are always looking to do more, support more people, and offer more services and that’s where you come in. Can you help?

To sign up to receive our occasional supporter e-mails please follow this link: e-mail sign-up

Our aim is to promote fulfilling lifestyles, emotional wellbeing and support long-term changes for those experiencing the effects of homelessness, mental and physical ill-health, poverty, substance misuse, domestic violence, unemployment, exploitation and social isolation.


Camrose employs a Manager and three Support Workers (all part-time employees) and welcomes some 15 volunteers (4 – 6 per session), without whom the Centre could not operate. We are always looking for volunteers to help with the day-to-day activities, but also seek supporters who can work behind the scenes to administer, guide and lead the Centre’s development.



The support team needs a variety of people with different backgrounds, ranging from Project Management, Management Development, Social Work, Human Resources, Fund-Raising, Finance and Administration. We need activists with skills to optimise our image, raise awareness of our work and to develop and sustain partnerships with local businesses and commerce.

We welcome cash donations to help run the centre. Individuals can donate online using the button. For corporate donations, please contact us for our bank details